
Driving Simulator

The driving simulator is a comprehensive driving simulation platform that can be used in research, training or
automotive product development. The modular and extensible system design of the platform means that you
can build or add components based on the original simulator design to avoid replacing the entire simulator
when fidelity requirements increase.
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SimCreator DX Control Software
—— Scene Event Editing and Control Software SimCreator DX
SimCreator DX is the latest scene event editing and control software developed by RTI. This new graphical user interface (GUI) allows researchers to quickly develop test scenarios using predefined configurable behaviors. You can easily edit and modify traffic incidents by dragging and dropping the mouse, such as vehicle trajectory (lane change, overtaking, straight, etc.), bicycle trajectory (straight, falling, etc.), pedestrian movement trajectory, etc. Using the simulation control panel of SimCreator DX, the researcher can select the desired action, and then run the scene for verification. This method can be considered as a "read-only" mode, and only weather and directly activated actions can be modified. In development mode, researchers can customize scene events, trigger conditions, trigger locations, etc.

SimCreator DX software interface
The advantages of using SimCreator DX software include:
•  Friendly human-computer interaction interface, no programming experience is required, which is convenient for experimental verification;
•  Real-time interaction with the simulated map view;
•  Quickly realize the scene development of road traffic incidents;
•  Support user secondary development or customization of various scene events;
•  With the ability to expand script programming, it can contain more than 350 commands;
•  Fully support OpenDRIVE road data;
•  Equipped with two complete databases, called "Generic World" and "Linear Land";
•  Can meet the needs of various test experiments;
•  Preset various scene event libraries to facilitate the definition of various traffic events.

Driving scene events that can be realized by SimCreator DX software include:

•  Define the various actions of pedestrians in the virtual environment;
•  Define various traffic conditions in the virtual environment;
•  Basic functions of traffic lights;
•  Define different audio characteristics;
•  Achieve various weather and different time periods (day, night, etc.);
•  Realize the interaction between bicycles and traffic;
•  The vehicle cuts in suddenly from the right side;
•  Vehicle interaction in emergency situations;
•  Define oncoming vehicles;
•  Define the parked cars;
•  Define traffic jam scenarios;
•  Realize advanced traffic light behavior;
•  Define the construction area.

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